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4 Ways To Effectively Treat Periodontitis

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Being diagnosed with a gum disease is never a good thing. Your gums are the foundation of your teeth and should be healthy to ensure you can enjoy healthy teeth that will last a lifetime. However, if you are dealing with the advanced stage of gum disease known as periodontitis, you should seek immediate treatment. Knowing the variety of treatment options that are readily available to you can assist you in making the right choice.

Deep Cleaning

You may be able to get the necessary relief from your periodontitis by getting deep cleaning done to your gums and teeth. This process consists of getting rid of the tartar below the gum line that can accumulate and contribute to this damaging type of gum disease. It is also referred to as a scaling and  root planing procedure.


In some of the fewer severe cases of periodontitis, you may be able to rely on different medications to help reduce your symptoms. Below are different prescriptions that are typically given to help fight this type of gum disease:

1.  Antimicrobial mouth rinse – You must obtain a prescription from your dentist for this mouth wash, but it can be effective.

2.  Antibiotic gel - This is typically used after a deep cleaning is done and will be placed in the pockets of the gums.

3.  Oral antibiotics – You may be told to take oral medication each day for a certain amount of time that will work to fight the inflammation in your gums.

Flap Surgery

This is a surgical procedure that works by lifting up the gums and removing the tartar. This is one of the most effective ways to get rid of the bacteria that is causing problems with your gums.

Once the flap surgery is done, the gums will be put back into place and typically will fit better around the teeth for fewer problems in the future.

Tissue Graft

One way to help rebuild lost tissue in your gums is by taking it from another place and putting it where it's needed. Often, the roof of the mouth is where extra tissue may be grafted and put in place.

Finally, it is imperative to your overall dental health to choose a treatment to fight periodontitis if necessary. Be sure to talk to a periodontist at Periodontal Specialists to learn more about how you can take care of your gums. 
