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Snoring At Night And Feeling Tired All The Time? Sleep Apnea Treatments Could Put A Bounce Back In Your Step

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While you may not think your snoring is an issue other than to the person sharing your bed, it could be a sign of sleep apnea. This is a condition in which you stop breathing for brief periods of time while you are sleeping. Even though the periods are short, they do keep you from getting adequate rest and cause a lack of oxygen to the brain. This can result in you being tired all the time, headaches, and more severe problems like high blood pressure and insulin resistance that causes type II diabetes. So, if you are feeling tired all day, even after what you thought was a good night's sleep, talk to your doctor about being tested for sleep apnea. If the results show you are experiencing it, he or she will discuss the different treatment options available to you.

Continuous Positive Airway Pressure (CPAP)

CPAP keeps your airway open and unobstructed while sleeping. A mask is worn over your nose that is connected to a machine. The machine forces air into your air passages while inhaling. This air is pressurized to push past any obstruction and keep the passage from closing. Obstructions can include:

  • A deviated septum
  • Adenoids
  • The soft palate in your mouth collapsing while supine
  • Your tongue falling back

Unfortunately, many people find that wearing a mask at night, all night, every night is not comfortable. They may wear it for a while and stop, or wear it a few days a week. When this occurs, the doctor may want to go with a more invasive treatment and suggest surgery.

Sleep Apnea Surgery

If you cannot bear to use the CPAP machine, or if your sleep apnea is severe, waking you up many times a night, sleep apnea surgery might be required. Your doctor will have to determine what is causing the obstruction. If you have a deviated septum, or a soft palate issue, they can be reconstructed. Nasal polyps can be removed, as can your tonsils, adenoids or even part of your uvula.

In addition to any treatments your doctor suggests, you should also try to lose some weight if you are heavy as this can be a cause of the apnea. To enhance the treatment, try sleeping on your side or having your torso and head lifted a bit. Don't just assume your snoring is natural. Talk to your doctor about it and get tested for sleep apnea. A sleep apnea procedure or treatment can make your days more enjoyable.
