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Feeding Therapy Tips

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There is nothing more frustrating and worrying than to have a child that is not able or willing to eat as much as he or she needs to in order to grow at a normal pace. Luckily, there are a range of feeding therapies that you can utilize in order to help your child take in more food. Here are some tips for making your efforts at feeding therapy as successful as possible.

1. Work With a Professional

The first thing that you need to do is be sure that you are working with a professional that has a lot of experience with feeding therapy. This is good because it will allow you to get the support you need to ensure that you are performing the feeding therapies correctly. It will also give you a chance to make sure that any underlying issues that could be causing the difficulty with eating are identified and potentially resolved, which could help solve the problem on its own. Doing all of this will allow you to make sure that you are doing everything possible for your child. Businesses like Frisco Feeding & Speech Therapy may be helpful. 

2. Watch for Signs of Overloading

If a child starts to make faces, turn away from a certain type of food, or start to pick at the food rather than eat it, make sure that you move onto another food, rather than force the child to finish whatever he or she was eating. The reason for this is that these are signs that a child is getting overloaded. When a child gets overloaded with feeding therapy, he or she will shut down and refuse to go any further, which will stall the therapy session and reduce the efficacy of the treatment. Being willing to be flexible and move on will make the feeding therapy much more effective.

3. Get Your Child Involved With Food Preparation

Try to make sure that the child is involved with the food preparation, even if it is just taking his or her bowl to the counter for you to fill it. This will increase your child's interaction with food and therefore will likely make him or her more willing to eat it. This can make your efforts to help get your child eating with feeding therapy much more effective.

For more information, talk to a company that specializes in feeding therapy. They will be able to recommend professional support for you.  
