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What To Expect From LASIK Surgery

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If you rely on glasses or contact lenses to correct your vision, you may consider LASIK surgery to permanently improve your vision by improving the eye's ability to focus light. Doctors use a surgical laser to remove some of the cornea to reshape it and improve the patient's vision. 

If your doctor has determined you're a good candidate for the surgery, knowing what to expect from the recovery process can improve your outcome.

First Day

LASIK surgery is done with local anesthesia to numb your eye area. After the anesthesia wears off, you may experience itching or burning. Most LASIK patients can manage any post-surgical pain with over-the-counter pain relievers.

Don't scratch or rub your eyes — this can damage your eyes, requiring further treatment to correct the damage.

Your vision will be blurry and you'll need to rest your eyes for several hours after surgery, so plan on taking at least the first day off work. Wear sunglasses when you're outside for the first 24 hours. 

Your doctor will give you eye shields to wear at night to prevent you from scratching or rubbing your eyes in your sleep.

The most common side effect in the first few days after surgery is dryness, and your doctor may advise you to use eye drops for lubrication. Other side effects include sensitivity to light, puffiness, and tearing. 

First Month

After the first 24 hours, most LASIK patients see any side effects they experienced begin to improve. Your doctor will see you for a follow-up appointment a day or two after surgery to test your vision and check for any signs of complications. 

Keep protecting your eyes and don't rub them for at least the first week after your surgery to avoid damaging the healing cornea. You'll also need to avoid wearing any kind of eye makeup or creams for the first week.

You can shower the day after your surgery unless your doctor asks you to wait longer, but you should stay out of pools, hot tubs, and natural bodies of water for at least a week to avoid eye infection. 

By the end of the first week after surgery, most patients can return to exercise. Wear goggles during any kind of water exercise for at least a month.

Most LASIK patients don't experience side effects after the first month. 

Two Months and Beyond

Once you're a full month past your surgery date, you should be able to participate in all your normal activities without issue. Your doctor will see you regularly for follow-up visits to check your vision and healing process for at least the first six months. 

Some LASIK patients still need to wear glasses for short periods during the healing process. Patients who have severe nearsightedness often take longer to heal. Full healing and vision improvement can take up to six months.

Follow all of your doctor's recovery instructions exactly to make the process as easy as possible and reduce your risk of complications.

Severe pain is not common with LASIK surgery. Notify your doctor immediately if you experience severe pain at any point in your recovery.
