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Pros & Cons Of Gastric Sleeve Weight Loss Surgery

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For many people, weight loss surgery is a last hope for losing weight. Weight loss is difficult, and it can become especially difficult among those who have become injured or experience mobility difficulties.

No matter your reason for weight loss, you may wonder what you should do. While you are the only one who can make the choice to undergo gastric sleeve surgery, there are pros and cons to consider.

Surgery Allows You to Tolerate the Same Foods

After surgery, your stomach will be smaller. This will allow your body to tolerate a variety of foods, including most of the same ones you have already enjoyed. The main difference is that you will enjoy these foods in very small quantities.

Now, keep in mind that you can delay your weight loss if you do not change your habits. For example, foods high in fat and carbohydrates can still impact your body, leading to slower loss.

Surgery May Lessen Your Appetite

One of the best things about surgery is that it can lessen your appetite. This is because the surgery will remove part of your stomach that releases hormones that cause you to become hungry.

Surgery Allows You to Keep Most of Your Digestive System

Most of your digestive system will remain intact after surgery. Your intestines are included, which means you do not have to worry about an increased risk of issues like mineral deficiency or anemia.

Surgery May Reduce Problems Like Stomach Ulcers

You may also benefit from fewer stomach ulcers after surgery, often because the procedure lessens your chance of experiencing increased acid. You may even experience less acid reflux.

Surgery Is Not Reversible

Surgery is not reversible because it removes part of the stomach. This means that you must be ready for the surgery. The good news is that a doctor can help you by providing you with the information you need to make a good decision.

Every Surgery Has Risks

Finally, it is important to consider both the pros and cons because each surgery does have potential risks. For example, some surgeries can lead to leaks and complications. Additionally, you may notice that your weight loss is not as fast as you want it to be.

Speak With a Weight Loss Surgery Specialist

A weight loss surgery specialist can help you determine if you are a good candidate for gastric sleeve surgery. A professional can help you take the next steps.

For more information, contact a weight loss surgery service in your area.
