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4 Common Causes Of Neck Pain And 1 You Should Worry About

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If you're experiencing neck pain, you are not alone. Neck pain is a common problem. There are many different causes of neck pain, and often more than one factor contributes to it. Here are four common causes of neck pain

1. Posture

One of the most common causes of neck pain is your posture. If you spend a lot of time hunched over your desk or looking down at your phone, it's no wonder you're experiencing pain. To help alleviate neck pain caused by poor posture, make sure to sit up straight and take regular breaks to move around and stretch your neck muscles.

2. Stress

Another common cause of neck pain is stress, which can lead to muscle tension. If you're constantly stressed or anxious, your body may tense up, causing the muscles in your neck to become tight and strained. To help reduce muscle tension-related neck pain, practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or yoga.

3. Arthritis

Arthritis is a common cause of neck pain, especially for older adults. The wear and tear on your joints over time can lead to inflammation and stiffness in the neck. If you think arthritis may be causing your neck pain, talk to your doctor about treatment options such as medication or physical therapy.

4. Sleeping position

Believe it or not, your sleep position can also contribute to neck pain. Sleeping on your stomach with your head turned to the side can put unnecessary strain on your spine and cause neck pain. Try sleeping on your back or side with a pillow supporting your head and neck to avoid this.

While the above four causes of neck pain are often remedied at home with self-care, there is neck pain that warrants an immediate visit to the doctor. The Mayo Clinic urges that you call your doctor if you experience "numbness or loss of strength in the arms or hands or for pain that shoots into a shoulder or down an arm." 

Additionally, your neck pain may be more serious if your neck pain is due to an injury like a car accident or fall. Whiplash is a common example of a serious neck injury. The severity can vary from mild to severe, depending on the extent of the damage.

There are many causes of neck pain, but some are more common than others. If you're experiencing neck pain, try to identify any potential causes so that you can find relief. If the pain extends beyond your neck or is due to an injury, seek medical attention.
