Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: There is Hope

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Feeding Therapy Tips

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There is nothing more frustrating and worrying than to have a child that is not able or willing to eat as much as he or she needs to in order to grow at a normal pace. Luckily, there are a range of feeding therapies that you can utilize in order to help your child take in more food. Here are some tips for making your efforts at feeding therapy as successful as possible. Read More»

Tips For Being Successful While Temping In The Healthcare Industry

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The healthcare industry is booming. There are more jobs than ever and with an aging population, more jobs are likely to be created and more positions will likely need to be filled. In order to make sure that you are able to capitalize on this, you will want to absolutely try to get temporary work in the healthcare field if you are currently looking for a job. This has the potential to turn into a full time job if you are interested in that, which might be able to help with your finances. Read More»

Early-Onset Osteoporosis: A Health Risk Both Men And Women Need To Be Careful About

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Osteoporosis, which is a gradual loss of bone density that can leave you with thin, brittle (and very breakable) bones, isn’t just a disease for the elderly. Some people develop it while they’re still relatively young and have to battle it for decades in order to remain strong and healthy. Here are some things you should know about early-onset osteoporosis and how to spot it. Some people are more at risk than others. Read More»

Could Sports Be Causing Your Spinal Compression?

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Playing sports is a great way to stay in shape and have fun, but there’s a chance that competing in your favorite sports may actually be contributing to spinal compression. The connection here is the way that bone spurs (a major contributor to spinal compression) can be formed by competing in sports. Understanding Bone Spurs Bone spurs are complex problems that can occur just about anywhere in the body. However, when they occur in the spine, they contribute to a stiffening of it that can lead to a compressed spinal cord. Read More»

2 Signs That Your Loved One May Be Suffering from Dementia

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Seeing a loved one age can be very hard on the family and friends. Someone who might have previously been very capable and independent is no longer able to do simple things. One of the hardest things to watch is dementia. It is very challenging and emotional to see someone’s mind fail him or her. However, one of the best things that you can do for your loved one is to get them the help that they need at the right time. Read More»

2 Ways That A Chronic Disease Management Programs Can Help You

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Living with a chronic disease can often be a very difficult experience, but there are programs out there that can help you live with and manage a chronic disease. Listed below are two ways that chronic disease management programs can help you. Patient Education One of the biggest ways in which a chronic disease management program can help you out is by educating you about your disease. The reason for this is that many healthcare professionals believe that the better educated you are when it comes to managing your disease, the better your overall quality of life and care will be. Read More»

3 Features To Look For In A Reliable Infant Care Clinic

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Choosing a clinic to provide general and emergency care for your newborn is a big task. You have to make sure that the facility offers all the services you need, that you and the doctors get along, and that your little one will get the best care possible no matter what the situation is. Here are a few features to look for in prospective clinics that should help you make the right decision about which facility to ultimately work with: Read More»

What To Expect After Cataract Surgery

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Cataract surgery is a common eye procedure that is typically done on an outpatient basis. This type of procedure is usually quite safe, but there is a recovery period after surgery. If you are having cataract surgery soon, here is what you can expect after the procedure is over: Arrange for a Ride Home Immediately after your surgery, you will need assistance getting home. It is a good idea to arrange for a friend or family member to take you to the clinic for your surgery and then drive you home. Read More»

5 Things You Should Know About Toenail Fungus

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Have you noticed that your toenails are more crumbly than they once were? You are showing signs of having nail fungus, and there are other symptoms that you can look for as well. All you have to do is make an appointment with a specialist, and he or she can treat the fungus through several methods. Take a look at this article to gain more insight about toenail fungus. 1. How Toenail Fungus Might Develop Read More»

Doctor's Urgent Care Appointments And Seeing Another Doctor: Your Worries Alleviated

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It used to be that if you saw a different doctor for an urgent care need, you would have to see your own family doctor within a few days to follow-up and make sure your own doctor had everything he/she needed to enter into your file. Prior to the age of computers, this meant that all of the information you gave the other doctor had to be transferred by hand to your own doctor and re-entered into your file manually or via typewriter. Read More»