Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: There is Hope

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3 Kinds Of Screenings For A Woman's Reproductive Health

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There are general screenings that every person should have to maintain their health. However, there are certain screenings that women need to have in order to maintain their reproductive health. So, what are some of those screenings and when should they start? PAP Smear A PAP smear takes a scraping of the cells of the cervix. This checks for cancer or other problems with the cervix. It’s usually done during the regular annual physical exam that you get from your OB/GYN. Read More»

What You Should Know About Cradle Cap

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If you are a new parent, then you may be hearing about cradle cap and wondering what it is and if your baby has it. Cradle cap is a condition that causes a baby to have spots of yellow patches on their scalps where thicker skin will flake off, giving them what one would consider to be an extreme case of dandruff, along with a scalp that looks irritated. This article will offer you helpful information on cradle cap as well as information on some things that can be done to treat or possibly even prevent it. Read More»

Dealing With A Random Food Allergy? Learn How To Get Help And Protect Yourself From Serious Side Effects

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Are you having a bad reaction to something you’ve recently consumed? Your throat may hurt, your eyes may be swelling, and you might even be having a difficult time breathing properly. When you’re dealing with such a serious situation, it’s important to call for medical assistance and go to a hospital right away for treatment. Receiving Immediate Treatment Upon arriving to the hospital and explaining your situation, a medical professional may administer epinephrine. Read More»

Swollen Foot Issues, What Causes Them, And Why You Need A Doctor Right Away

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There are some of the typical causes for a swollen foot; you broke it, you twisted an ankle, etc.. Then there are the seemingly inexplicable cases where your foot is just swollen, and just that foot is swollen. Worse still, other bizarre things can occur along with the swollen foot. All of the following are bizarre swollen foot cases, what causes them, and why you are going to need a general physician or podiatrist immediately. Read More»

Tips For Dealing With Jet Lag When Travelling Long Distances

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Whether you travel long distances by plane often for business or are planning to visit a far away place for pleasure, jet lag can be a real concern. Becoming acclimated to be in a different time zone can be very hard on your body’s internal clock. However, there are several things that you can do to help minimize jet lag when traveling. Use the following tips to help ensure that jet lag doesn’t leave you groggy and tired for several days after reaching your destination: Read More»

3 Ways Eyelid Surgery Changes Your Look

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Changing your look through plastic surgery can give your face an entirely new framework. Even small work, such as a hairline lift will make your facial area look different. If you are interested in eyelid surgery, you will find that your face looks different in subtle ways and in ways that are noticeable to everyone who knows you. Here are three ways that eyelid surgery changes your entire look.  Your eyes look more youthful Read More»

"Matcha" Spanish Tea--This Tea Is Really Japanese!

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Matcha is a big buzzword right now. Even major coffee house chains have jumped on board with the trend. When customers hear “matcha,” they automatically assume that this drink is Hispanic, Mexican, or Latino in origin. Actually, nothing could be further from the truth. Here is more about this healthy tea drink, its origins, and why you should give it a try. Where Matcha Really Comes From This is a Japanese tea drink. Read More»

Can Hypnotherapy Help With Your Cancer Pain?

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Cancer affects millions of people around the world every year and is a severely problematic and dangerous disease. Managing the pain that this disease cause is an essential way of helping a person recover. Thankfully, methods such as hypnotherapy can help: Cancer Pain Can Be Intense The severity of a person’s cancer pain often varies depending on the type of tumor they develop. When you do suffer from cancer pain, it can be quite severe. Read More»

Senior Citizen And Substance Abuse: What To Do

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Coming to the realization that your aging parent is misusing prescription medication or drinking too much alcohol can be painful. Your parent may have had some kind of substance abuse problem for some time, and when you finally notice and admit that it’s an issue, you may feel that they need treatment right away. However, be certain to use some of these suggestions to avoid alienating them or making things worse: Read More»

Three Lifestyle Changes That Will Help Ease Arthritis Pain

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Whether you suffer from arthritis in your hands, feet, hips, or elsewhere, it is important to see your doctor for treatment. They may recommend either prescription or over-the-counter pain relievers to keep you more comfortable. But there are some lifestyle changes you can make, in addition to taking the pain relievers, that will help ease your discomfort even further. Eat more omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acids are a type of unsaturated fatty acid that are known for their ability to decrease inflammation throughout the body. Read More»