Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: There is Hope

Taking Control Of Your Bladder By Avoiding Everyday Foods And Beverages

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Most women assume that problems with urinary incontinence just come along with age, after having children, or even just an overactive bladder. Even though some of these assumptions may be true, what most females fail to recognize is there are actually common things they do that can make a small problem a much bigger deal. This is especially true when it comes to what you actually put into your body. If you struggle with bladder control, the foods and beverages you consume could easily be making the problem worse. Read More»

6 Signs You Have Found A Good Counselor

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A counseling relationship is one built on trust, and finding just the right counselor for your particular emotional needs sometimes takes diligence. There are certain qualities a good counselor has that are evident right away and serve as a signal that you are with the right person.  Your Counselor is Professional A counselor treads a thin line at times between trying to relate to you personally while maintaining professionalism. A quality counselor can make you feel comfortable and open without becoming too personal. Read More»

Can Menopause Impact Blood Sugar Levels?

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Most women know that menopause can lead to significant changes to their health. What many women with diabetes might not know is that it can have an impact on how well they are able to manage their condition. If you are menopausal and have diabetes, here is what you need to know. How Does Menopause Impact Diabetes? During menopause, you will experience hormonal changes that result in the cessation of monthly periods. Read More»

Has Long-Term Anxiety Robbed You Of Your 'Gut Feeling' Intuition?

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Call it human instinct, intuition or a sixth sense, the ‘gut feeling’ you get when you are faced with a dangerous or fearful situation is something everyone is born with. The human species has a built-in fight or flight response system for basic survival, enabling you to avoid getting killed or seriously harmed throughout your life. You may have heard people you know saying things like: ‘I didn’t go to so and so because my gut feeling told me not to’ or ‘ I am glad I trusted my gut feelings about that person. Read More»

Three Tips For Enjoying Music Without Sacrificing Your Hearing

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If you are a music lover, it can be hard to listen to your favorite song without cranking up the volume. However, it is essential to employ safe listening practices to preserve your hearing. Follow these simple tips to enjoy your music while protecting your ears. 1. Use Headphones Responsibly Headphones are a great way to keep your music to yourself, but it is important to follow a few guidelines when you use them to prevent hearing loss. Read More»