Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: There is Hope

Snoring At Night And Feeling Tired All The Time? Sleep Apnea Treatments Could Put A Bounce Back In Your Step

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While you may not think your snoring is an issue other than to the person sharing your bed, it could be a sign of sleep apnea. This is a condition in which you stop breathing for brief periods of time while you are sleeping. Even though the periods are short, they do keep you from getting adequate rest and cause a lack of oxygen to the brain. This can result in you being tired all the time, headaches, and more severe problems like high blood pressure and insulin resistance that causes type II diabetes. Read More»

How To Get Your Teenager To Wear His Or Her Glasses

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The optometrist has made it clear your teen needs glasses and your teen has made it clear they will not wear them. If your teen is set against wearing glasses, it may be time to step back and come up with a strategy. If you help them pick out a pair that flatters their face and let them get used to the idea, your teen is likely to be more willing to wear their glasses. Read More»

3 Tips For Successfully Recovering From A Sports Injury

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Sports injuries are exceedingly frustrating because they keep you from doing what you love: actually playing the sport. Follow these three tips to make sure that you make a successful recovery and are back to running, jumping, fighting, or swimming as soon as possible. 1. Don’t Shortchange the Recovery Time When you’re injured, you go to the doctor because the doctor knows more about the injury than you do. The doctor knows how to make help the injury heal better than you do, or else you wouldn’t bother to go see him or her. Read More»

5 Things You Need To Know About Subconjunctival Hemmorhage

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Your eyes are delicate, and it’s very easy to injure them. Bleeding on the surface of your eye could be a sign of a common eye injury, a subconjunctival hemorrhage. What is a subconjunctival hemorrhage? A subconjunctival hemmorrhage is a common eye injury. When blood vessels inside your eyes break, blood seeps out and gets trapped beneath the conjunctiva, the clear lining that protects your eye. This can cause small red dots on the eye, or it can make your entire eye turn bright red. Read More»

4 Ways To Effectively Treat Periodontitis

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Being diagnosed with a gum disease is never a good thing. Your gums are the foundation of your teeth and should be healthy to ensure you can enjoy healthy teeth that will last a lifetime. However, if you are dealing with the advanced stage of gum disease known as periodontitis, you should seek immediate treatment. Knowing the variety of treatment options that are readily available to you can assist you in making the right choice. Read More»