Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: There is Hope

Treating Your Varicose Veins: What You Should Know About Endovenous Laser Therapy

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When you begin to develop varicose veins, your first instinct is to just try and ignore them or cover them up and go about your business as if nothing has changed. And for a while that coping mechanism may work just fine for you. However, varicose veins do progress and worsen over time. Eventually, you will need to seek out more aggressive treatment to deal with the discomfort and pain of your varicose veins. Read More»

Pain Relief During Pregnancy: 3 Medication Free Options You Should Consider

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During pregnancy, it is extremely important for you to be careful about what types of medications you take. This is because many prescription and over-the-counter medications can have serious side effects, such as the development of birth defects in your unborn child. Unfortunately, this can make dealing with the aches and pains that often accompany pregnancy a bit difficult. Thankfully, there are a few pain relief options that are highly effective despite the fact that they do not make use of pain medications. Read More»

4 Reasons To Get A Mammogram

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Taking care of your health should be one of your top concerns. If you are a woman, one way to help do so is by getting a mammogram on a routine basis. Doctors recommend that women who are over the age of 40 get this life-saving test completed every one to two years. Knowing the many reasons to get a mammogram may have you motivated to schedule your appointment today. Read More»

Alternative Treatments For Those Who Suffer From Seizures

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For certain individuals, alternative treatment for seizures may be something to look into. If prescription medications aren’t controlling your seizures as they should, or you find the side effects of such medications troubling, you may want to consider one of the alternative options below. Consult with your doctor before trying any alternative therapies, as some, such as herbal supplements, may interact with medications you are already on. Hemp Oil Read More»

4 Reasons You Should Rarely Use A Tourniquet To Stop Bleeding

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If you’re concerned about injury, you may have read up on how to create and use a tourniquet. However, you should also know that a tourniquet is not generally advisable to use unless direct pressure has already failed. If you are injured severely, it’s important that you call 911 or go to emergency care or urgent care directly. A tourniquet should only be used if the bleeding is severe and cannot be stopped with direct pressure—it should not be used as the first course of action. Read More»